Hey, just curious what your thoughts were on flasksql alchemy or mongodb. I think the simple sql table in the tutorials is good for a simple login system, but what would you use for a few more user data inputs like dynamic user dashboard stuff ? Not too familiar with mongodb but was looking into a CMS and quokka cms uses mongodb (in which apparently the schema is the data, making it flexible rather than rigid.) I kind of like that django has the model view controller structure, though its a little hairy to get used to. Also what I was thinking is for people who want blogs, django is nice because through the admin panel, the person can do all their own posts and edits right there without me having to manually manage every post- pretty dang nice. Wonder if alchemy would make my job easier in flask. I want to integrate email confirmation and or captcha to avoid bots or spam accounts on my website, and the methods at exploreflask.com use sqlalchemy.
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